Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Where's the Real Drummer?" - Bobby Z Spreecast & other Transcriptions

I'm back! I had to take some personal time to rest, but I'm here, and...
I'm moving my new blog posts to Tuesdays! #TeamPrinceTuesday

I still made time to work on the book, and I've been doing a lot of recording and transcribing. Dr. Funkenberry and Seth Everett's Wednesday spreecasts are not only great resources for Prince news, but their special guests provide awesome quotes for my book.

Two weeks ago, "Bobby Z." Rivkin, the original drummer from Prince's band, The Revolution, stopped by the spreecast. He shared some great memories from his time playing with Prince.

Last week, Shelby J., a singer in Prince's NPG band, visited the spreecast. I was delighted to hear Shelby and a viewer touch on spirituality a bit.

I also transcribed a great Tyka Nelson interview over the weekend.

Finally, I went WAY back on my to-do list and transcribed all Prince-related segments of Sheila E.'s "Unsung" episode.

Sometimes, interviews that others have done with sources are the next best thing, and a lot of great interviews with Prince's family, friends and associates  have been done since his other major biographies were published.

In the meantime, I would be crazy not to take advantage of talking to the special guests on these spreecasts, so I need to get my behind to Best Buy to get a webcam. I literally have to schedule the time to do it because  I rarely have free time these days. With all the Prince stuff happening--new website, new music, Billboard article, Grammy Awards appearance--I could use a few extra hours! It's getting crazy!!

Be sure to check back next Tuesday for a new blog post!

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