Monday, June 18, 2012

"Don't You Wanna Know the Word?" - Updates

Hello, everyone! It's been a very busy week, but I wasn't going to let Monday come and go without posting (albeit late). I'm staying on task with this weekly blog! Here are some more updates on my progress:

  1. Revamping the website: I've mentioned my intention to redesign this website in earlier posts, but I've finally taken the first step--changing the domain name. This blog is moving from "" to "" The transition should be complete some time this week. Next, I can focus on changing the look of the site. I'm excited to see what I can do (within my limited means, of course).

  2. Finding out about Prince's experience at Park Avenue United Methodist Church in Minneapolis:  Last month, a church member read my blog and offered to help me get in touch with people who were there when Prince attended. I'm happy to say that he provided me with some great contact information last week (shout out to Matt!). Hopefully I'll get another interview or two this week.

  3. Waiting to do an interview with a MAJOR source for my book (who has agreed to chat): The status has not changed since the time I first mentioned it; I'm still waiting. :)

  4. Talking to four more important Prince journalists: As you know, I've already interviewed C.J. I'm reading Jon Bream's "Inside the Purple Reign." When I'm done, I'll contact him.
As always, thanks for reading! Tell your friends!

To be continued....

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